Shoes Handmade in Italy

Generations of Exceptional


Our story begins about 1931 when Remo Fonti at the age of 16 started repairing broken shoes in the cellar under his house, usually, he used old tires of trucks for the soles. In 1937 he was forced to abandon his job and leave for war, first to Ethiopia, and later Albania…


Our Collections


Private label Projects

We help international brands to produce in Italy. Our strength is our flexibility. We haven't minimum orders, we do not have long and expensive preparation times and we can produce almost all types of footwear.


We are in the Marche region, the heart of the most important Italian footwear district…

Our Policy against online sales

In order to respect our sellers' job, who sell our shoes all around Europe, our products can't be purchased online. To purchase our products, please contact us and we will let you know where is the closest shop to you.